3차원 문명의 마지막 날 / 2015. 9. 23 - End Times?
SEPTEMBER 23 2015 the END
한국어 번역 자막기능
September 23, 2015 .. end times?
게시일: 2015. 7. 30.
SEPTEMBER 2015 - End Times / Global Reset Coming?
Something BIG About To Happen
게시일: 2015. 8. 5.
이스라엘 KANIEVSKY 랍비는 다시 메시아의 도착을 암시하다
Rabbi Kanievsky Again Hints at Looming Arrival of the Messiah
Rav Chaim Kanievsky To Rav Rubin:
The Kedoshim Of Har Nof Serve As Kapparah For Moshiach To Come
카비에프스키 랍비는 메시아 재림을 다시 암시하다
Rabbi Kanievsky Again Hints at Looming Arrival of the Messiah
충격 이스라엘 뉴스 - 카니에프스키 랍비는 저명한 랍비중 한사람인데, 그는 유대교 초정통보수인사로써 임박한 메시아 재림을 언급했다.
히브리 웹사이트 SOD 1820 애서 카이에프스키 랍비는 여러명의 저명한 랍비들과 있는 자리에서 그 이야기를 전했다.
BREAKING ISRAEL NEWS – Rabbi Chaim Kanievsky, one of the most prominent rabbinic authorities in mainstream Ultra-Orthodox Judaism, is said to have made a new reference to the imminent arrival of the Messiah.
As reported on the Hebrew language website SOD 1820, Rabbi Kanievsky was speaking with representatives of the Yad Sarah charity organization in his home, including Director General Rabbi Moshe Cohen and the head of the emergency switchboard and hospitalization plan, Rabbi Nachum Gitman.
카니에프스키 랍비는 새로운 기술로 비상사태를 대처하는 유태 기구를 뵈이면서 말하길, " 휴일에 이르러서 메시아가 오실 것이며 그러면 여러분은 이런 비상 장치시스템이 필요없게된다, " 라고 말했다.
카이에프스키는 평생을 성경 연구에 바쳤고, 신에게 봉사했는데, 메시아에 관해서 자주 말했다.
그는 일반적인 축복을 하기보다, 메시아가 재림하는 개념을 특정해서 말했다.
While showing Rabbi Kanievsky a new technology to be installed in Jewish institutions for use during emergencies, the Yad Sarah representatives asked for and received a blessing.
Upon inspecting the emergency system, which came about in reaction to the November terror attack at a Jerusalem synagogue that killed four Jewish worshipers and a Druze police officer, Rabbi Kanievsky stated, “By the holidays, the Messiah will come and there will be no need for you to install these emergency systems.”
It should be noted that in Hebrew, the phrase the rabbi used, could have several meanings based on the grammar, changing his message to “May it be that by the holidays, the Messiah will come and there will be no need for you to install these emergency systems.”
Rabbi Kanievsky, who has devoted his life to studying the Bible and serving God, has been speaking of the Messiah more often and in more immediate terms. Rather than give a general blessing, as is usual, the rabbi seems to have specified a possible time frame for the coming of the Messiah.
Following the massacre at the Jerusalem synagogue in November, Rabbi Kanievsky, seen here in a video, was asked how to strengthen the public in the face of such horrors. Rabbi Kanievsky kept repeating, “Kapara”, an atonement. When pressed, he finally said, “An atonement before the Messiah.”
요약번역: Peterkim
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