힐러리 의료기록부가 공개됬다!
"노망, 발작, 멍때림" 증세 기록보고서 !!!
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Post by Newsroom - Aug 08, 2016 - 23
힐러리에 대한 깜짝 놀랄 의료기록부가 소셜, 트윗에 공개되었다, 그것은 힐러리가 "노망, 발작, 멍때림" 이나 그 이상의 증세를 갖고있다고 한다. 그녀는 의료상으로 볼때 미국 대통령에 적합치 않다.
로우루보 뇌건강센터 보고에 따르면, 힐러리는 "빈스왱거 질병 Binswanger's disease "에 걸렸다고 한다. 이는 뇌세포 내부혈관성 노망이라 한다.
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문제는 이 질병이 뇌세포가 죽는 것인데, 발작이나 이상증세를 보이는 것으로써 치유법이 없다는 것이다. 환자는 이렇게 서서히 죽는다고 한다.
힐러리 후보의 건강에 관해 러시아투데이가 내놓은 의문, 내춰럴뉴스가 확인한다
This other new article goes even deeper into the supposed health issues Hillary is experiencing:
미국 민주당대선후보에 대해 제거한다느니, 죽음을 고려한다느니, 또 버니샌더스를 투입한다는 설이 있다. 최악의 경우에.. 그들은 계책을 갖고 있고 또 게임을 하는 중이다. 그들은 힐러리를 뛰게 하지 않을 것인데, 그들이 게임을 하기 때문이다..
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At the least they will remove her or let her die and then put in Bernie. At the worst.. well they have lots of ideas about worst and gaming playing. They should never have run her at all but they have games..
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There were lots of articles on Rense of interest yesterday.. including picks of her being walked thru a hallway to do her speech on the last night. Complete with big guy carrying a syringe of heaven knows what but one person suspected the new drug for parkinsons disease which Helps stabilize gait I guess... I don't think she has parkinsons because her arms and speech are ok when the real Hillary is used. Maybe the real Hillary has a computer though too.. which might nega
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This is on superstation 95 and other sites. I do not know if the medical report is fake or truth. But the description of what it says she has is very good on the site.
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원문출처: https://www.superstation95.com/index.php/world/1790
번역출처: http://blog.daum.net/petercskim/7875131
힐러리 클린턴이 죽어간다
Posted By: Nemesis [Send E-Mail]
Date: Wednesday, 10-Aug-2016 20:43:45
알엠엔 사이트에 흥미를 끄는 기이한 이멜이 오른다, 이는 힐러리 사망을 염두에둔 이상한 시나리오들이 있다는 풍문을 담고있다. This was an interesting email on RMN with various scenarios concerning the possible outcome of Hillary's dealth.
힐러리 클린턴이 죽어간다
Hillary Clinton is dying.
이것은 놀라운 일이 아닌데, 그녀가 의료 치료를 받는걸로 보이니 말이다. 의료 치료를 받음은 미국에서는 주요사망원인 중 3번째를 차지하는 중대한 사안이다.
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존라포포트는 힐러리가 쥐약을 먹는 다는 사실을 폭로한 인물이다. 그것은 쿠마딘이라 화학제인데, 와파린이 활성화된 것이다. 쥐약이라.. 이것은 혈액을 묽게 만드는 것이다. 그걸 과다하게 복용하면 혈액이 내장에서 출혈로 간다. 이것의 목적은 혈액응고를 막으려는 것인데, 그녀가 무슨 응고가 발생하는가? 모를일이다..
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그녀는 의사에 의해 쿠마딘을 처방받고 있는데, 의심스러운 일이다..
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힐러리의 건강에대한 이야기와 사진들이 인터넷 도처에 도배되고 있고 사람들은 그녀의 정신건강까지 의문을 제기한다. 무언가 대응이 나올법한데, 무슨 일이 벌어지는 것인가?
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이야기들과 그녀의 건강상태를 보여주는 사진들이 인터넷이 배포된다. 이런 이유가 무엇이란 말인가,
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아마도 두가지 심증을 가질수있다.
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1. 와파린 처방을 해서 힐러리의 혈액응고를 막자는 의사들은 록펠러와 대형제약사 의과대학이 지시한대로 하고 있다. 힐러리가 와파린 부작용으로 사망한다면, 그들은 면책될 것인데, 자기네가 의료 지침을 따랐다고 항변한다.
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2. 그녀는 서서히 살해당하는데 이유는 이렇게 추정된다;
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1)처음에 그녀를 은밀하게 치료한다는 계획이었다, 그래서 대통령에 당선될때까지 생존시키자는 것이다. 그후에 호르라기가 불리면, 계획대로 2번타자가 대권에 오르면 된다. 신세계권력과 범태평양조약 도당은 이런 계획을 이미 승인한 것이리라.
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2) 그녀의 건강이 이상있음이 인터넷에 퍼졌을때 오로지 언론매체만 침묵한다. 사람들은 그녀가 대통령에 오르는 것에 대해 신뢰를 잃기 시작했다. 그들이 비밀리에 조사한 여론은 힐러리가 오로지 13%만 득표하는 것으로 나온다. 이제 시간이 되어서 그녀가 트럼프와 티비 토론에서 맞붙으면 그녀는 몇마디 상대거리도 되지 않는다. 그래서 그녀를 조종하는 세계주의 도당은 패닉에 빠졌다. 그들은 이것을 타개한다고 계책을 마련한다;
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a) 힐러리를 되도록 빨리 제거하라, 그리고 중요 사건을 일으키면서 오바마가 대선을 연기하게끔 유도한다. 그것을 위해 계엄령이 필요하고 데이브호지스 부류가 흘리는 세계대전 시나리오를 돌리는 것이다.
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허나 그들이 꾸미는 것은 상대측이 이미 파악한 것이기에 그런 계책을 펼쳐도 뜻대로 되지 않는다.
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b) 그들은 선거후까지 힐라리를 생존시키고, 그녀가 대통령서약을 한후에 곧 제거한다, 그녀는 첫번 여성대통령이 되질 못하는데, 그후 케인이 그녀의 자리로 들어간다.
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그런데 문제는 그녀가 당선되지 못할때 벌어진다! 선거가 이제 85일 남았는데, 이 시간동안 그녀의 건강문제나 기타 심각한 문제가 세간에 돌면서 득표수는 계속 떨어질 것이기 때문이다.
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그래서 도당은 투표일이 가까워진 어느날 힐라리가 암살범의 흉탄을 맞고 쓰러지는 헐리우드 액션을 기획할 수있을것이다. 그것은 국민적 큰 반향을 일으키는 병상투병 선거드라마로 변질된다..
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힐러리를 영웅으로 올리는 선전홍보가 쓰나미처럼 벌어질 것이고..
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미국대선은 막장드라마로 향하고 있다. 우리는 그것을 지켜볼뿐인가?
원문출처: http://www.rumormillnews.com/cgi-bin/forum.cgi?noframes;read=53761
번역출처: 피터김의 체험나누기 http://blog.daum.net/petercskim/7875150
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Posted By: Nemesis [Send E-Mail]
Date: Wednesday, 10-Aug-2016 20:43:45
힐러리 클린턴이 죽어간다
Hillary Clinton is dying.
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Not a real surprise, seeing as how she's under medical care. Medical care is the third leading cause of death in America. No question that she's dying. We even know what's gonna kill her. What we don't know is, is this intentional?
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It was Jon Rappoport who revealed that Hillary is taking rat poison. Chemical name for it is Coumadin. It's the active ingredient in Warfarin. Rat poison. It's a blood thinner. Take enough of it, and you'll bleed out internally. It's used to prevent blood clots. Does she have blood clots? I don't know. She may have been told she has blood clots and her doctors used that as an explanation for treating her with Coumadin. Me, I'm skeptical about the blood clots. But that's just me.
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Stories and photos of her health condition are all over the internet. People are asking questions about her mental health, too. Seems like new reports are a daily occurence. So what's going on?
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For the medical treatment, I see two possibilities.
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1. The doctors who are using Warfarin to prevent blood clots are simply doing what they were taught in the Rockefeller and Big Pharma medical schools. If she dies from too much Warfarin, they'll not be held responsible. "We followed medical procedures. You win some. You lose some. C'est la vie!"
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2. She is being murdered. I see two possible reasons for that.
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1. In the beginning, the plan was to keep her treatment quiet and keep her alive until she won the election. After that, if the Veep has to fill in, no big deal. He's one of us. The NWO and the Trans Pacific treaty gets final approval.
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2. Her poor health is all over the internet and the only ones not talking about it are the mass media. People have begun to lose faith in her electability. Their own secret polls show her with about 13% of the vote. And you know and I know that if she ever gets into a debate with Donald Trump, he'll just clobber her. Her globalist handlers have gone into panic mode.
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I see them torn between two choices.
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1. Kill off Hillary real soon and let the chips fall where they may. Perhaps Obama will postpone the election. Been a lot of speculation about that. Lot of speculation back in Dubya's day, too, you'll remember. Martial law and canceled elections are favorites with the Dave Hodges type fear porn peddlers. It does look like a possibility. Maybe not a probability, but it could happen.
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2. They could keep Hillary alive until after the election. Then, if she dies soon after being sworn in, she won't be the first one! And Comrade Kaine will slide right into her spot.
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Only trouble with that is, she's not electable! There are still 90 days until the election. Ninety more days for poor health stories to accumulate on the web. The globalists have got to be taking Maalox by the pallet. I felt sorry for them, but only briefly. Lasted two-tenths of a nano-second and it was gone.
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What are they going to do?
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Based on the information I have about the situation, and not an over-the-event-horizon radar return, if it was me I'd keep her alive until we got closer to the election. And if possible, arrange for her to die on stage right there in front of god and everybody for the maximum dramatic effect. I don't know for sure, but I don't think that it is legal for them to just appoint someone to fill in the vacant space and continue with the election. Plus, it would be too late to change the name on the ballots.
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So a canceled election is a definite possibility. If she dies before the election, the election would no doubt be canceled. A dead candidate is without precedent in American politics. But there are advantages for the Doomocrat honchos. If Hillary doesn't live long enough to debate Donald Trump, then her name, and by extension her party, will be spared the embarrassment of Donald on stage verbally cutting Hillary deep, wide, and frequent.
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Remember all the crocodile tears the Establishment shed after JFK was assassinated? Be prepared for a tsunami of crocodile tears boosting Hillary's reputation and that of whoever is annointed to fill her role.
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Is that buzzards circling the D.C. beltway? Or could it be black swans? Simon Parkes said that the US could expect a dramatic economic event in late September or early October. That would for sure be a Black Swan event.
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Recall what Mr. Keshe said in his 2 August video about the Foundation taking over the world and the world's economy.
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"Weeks", he said.
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Them Black Swans just keeps a-coming!
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******************************** Could Hillary's pratfalls be artificially induced to force her out of the race and enable the current POTUS to retain his position? (views: 559) Sounds Like A Reasonable Analysis To Me....Only one Problem... (views: 784) RMNREADER EMAIL "...plenty of names on the ballot." (views: 208)
NaturalWisdom -- Wednesday, 10-Aug-2016 21:27:19
Watchman -- Wednesday, 10-Aug-2016 21:38:03
Nemesis -- Wednesday, 10-Aug-2016 23:52:00
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