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+ 창조자의 글 The Creator Writings [ 3/20/2019 - 3/24/2019 ] - 평화의 그 시간이 바로 앞에 있다!




창조자의 글 The Creator Writings

[ 3/20/2019 - 3/24/2019 ]

창조자의 글

The Creator Writings

By The Creator - Jennifer Farley




By The CREATOR WRITINGS [ 3/20/2019 - 3/24/2019 ] 



더욱 꾸준한 

A Steadier Path

너희가 너의 깨어남의 과정을 계속할 ,  자신과 부드러워져라. 나는 너희의 일부가 “,  이것을 오래 동안 해왔고,  이것을 얻었지하고 말하는 것을 들을  있다. 각자가 그들 자신의 시간에, 그리고 그들 자신의 속도로 깨어남을 기억하는 것이 중요하다. 비록 네가 한동안  과정 속에 있었다 해도, 여전히 불편한 순간들이 있을  있다. 언제나처럼, 그것이 지나갈 것이고, 평화가 너의 균형으로 회복될 것임을 염두에 두어라. 너는 지금  꾸준한 길에 있으며, 주위를 둘러볼 어떤 시간을 가지고,  주위의 자들을 도와라, 그리고 우주가 바로  옆에 있음을 알아라. 창조자

As you continue your awakening process, be gentle with yourself. I can hear some of you saying, “Oh, I’ve been doing this for a long time, I got this”. It is important to remember that each awakens in their own time and at their own speed. Even if you have been in process for a while, there still may be uncomfortable moments. As always, keep in mind that it will pass, and peace restored to your balance. You are on a steadier path now; take some time to look around, assist those around you and know The Universe is right beside you. ~ Creator




The Call

너의  높은 목적으로의 부름이 보내졌다.  새로운 시작에서 너희는 네가 참가했던 것보다  많이 참가하기를 초대받고 있다. 우주는 너희에게 걸어 올라가서, 너의 타고난 권리를 청구하고, 너의 새로 찾은 힘을 선을 위해 사용하며, 너희 지구 계에 있는 모든 인간들이 조건 없는 사랑을 자유로이 주고받을  있는 시간을 향해 일하라고 요청하고 있다. 평화의  시간이 바로 앞에 있다! - 창조자

The call to your higher purpose has been sent out. In this new beginning, you are being invited to participate more than you ever have. The Universe is asking you to step up and claim your birthright, to use your new-found power for good and to work toward the time where all humans on your Earth plane can give and receive Unconditional Love freely. The time of peace is at hand! ~ Creator



길을 치우는 

Clearing A Path

이전에 말해졌고 되풀이할 만한 것으로, 너희가  자신의 생각들과 행동들에 대해 책임을 지는 것이 불가피하다는 것이다. 다른 이들이 너에 대해 비난을 받게 허용하는 것은 너의 성장을 방해할  있고, 가장 확실히는 너의 배움을 방해할  있다. 너의 모든 부분을 완전히 인정함으로써, 너는 우주에게 “, 나는 인간이고 잘못들을 만들 테지만, 나는 항상  나은 나를 향해 기꺼이 움직이고 있습니다라고 말하고 있다. 투명성이 너의 길을 맑게 치우고,  전진 운동을 네가 기대한 것보다  쉽게 만든다.  자신에게, 그리고 다른 이들에게, 진실을 배우고 표현하는 것은 평화를 향한 하나의 기념비적인 걸음이다. - 창조자

It has been said before and bears repeating; it is imperative that you take responsibility for your own thoughts and actions. Allowing others to take the ‘rap’ for you may hinder your growth and, most certainly, your learning. In fully owning every part of you, you are saying to The Universe, “Yes, I am human and will make mistakes but, I am always willing to move toward a better me.” Transparency clears your path and makes this forward movement easier than you ever expected. Learning and expressing truth, to yourself and others, is a monumental step toward peace. ~ Creator





네가 문서 정리 직원이라고 상상해봐라. 문서들을 너의 책상으로부터  안의 적절한 장소로 움직이는 것은 너의 ‘이다. 너는 이것을 그려보고 있느냐? 좋다! 이제 네가  파일들을 A지점에서 B지점으로 어떻게 옮길지를 상상해봐라. 너는 책상에 앉아서 그것들이 적절한 장소들로 움직이기를 의도 하겠느냐, 아니면 너는 일어서서 문서들을 철하기 시작하겠느냐? 실현들도 똑같은 방식으로 일한다. (미소 지으며)

너는 하나의 장소에 앉아서, 아무 것도 하지 않으면서, 아무도 보지 않으면서, 그러한 실현들이 일어나기를 바랄  있거나... 아니면 너는  책상 뒤로부터 일어나서 일할  있다. 너는 너의 생활로 네가 원하는 것을 가져올 힘과 능력을 가지고 있다. 받는 자들과 행동하지 않는 자들 사이에 차이점이 있다! 가장 친애하는 어린이여, 그것들은 우주가 달성하는 방법에 대해 너를 지도하는 너의 실현들이고, 너는 그것을 달성하는 방법을 알고 있다. 너는 무엇을 기다리고 있느냐? - 창조자

Imagine you are a file clerk. It is your ‘job’ to move the files from your desk to the appropriate locations in the room. Are you picturing this? Good! Now, imagine how you will move those files from point A to point B. Do you sit at the desk and will them to move to the proper locations or do you get up and start filing? Manifestation works the same way. (Smiling)

You can sit in one spot, doing nothing, seeing no one and hope those manifestations come to pass or…you can get up from behind that desk and get to work. You have the power and ability to bring what you want into your life. The difference between those who receive and those who do not is action! Dearest child, they are your manifestations, The Universe is guiding you on how to achieve, and you know how to accomplish it. What are you waiting for? ~ Creator



 나은 무언가로...

Something Better

나의 아름답고 놀라운 어린이여... 너의 존재/ 속에서, 너는 항상 선택들이 주어졌다. 사랑하거나 아니면 걸어가버리거나, 일어서거나 아니면 달아나거나, ‘삶에서 너의 몫을 받아들이거나아니면 그것을 네가 바라는 무언가로 바꾸거나 하면서 말이다. 이것은 항상 너의  안에 있었다. 이제 ... 너는 어떤 공간 안에 앉아서 네가   없다는 사실을 한탄할  있거나, 아니면 네가 이미 소유한 것을 사용하면서,  나은 무언가로 자랄  있다. 네가  필요가 있는 모든 것은 우주에게 도움과 지원을 요청하는 것이고, 그것은 너의 것이다. - 창조자

My beautiful, amazing child…in your existence, you have always been given choices. Love or walk away, stand up or run, ‘accept your lot in life’ or change it to something you desire. This has always been within your power. Now…you can sit in one space, bemoaning the fact that you can’t or use what you already possess and grow into something better. All you need to do is ask The Universe for assistance and support and it is yours. ~ Creator

번역출처: AH.Korea http://www.abundanthopekorea.net/board1_1/12284 재림사무국/1919