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+ 창조자의 글 The Creator Writings [ 3/25/2019 - 3/29/2019 ] - 방대한 양의 지식이 너희에게 주어지고 있다




창조자의 글 The Creator Writings

[ 3/25/2019 - 3/29/2019 ]

창조자의 글

The Creator Writings

By The Creator - Jennifer Farley



By The CREATOR WRITINGS [ 3/25/2019 - 3/29/2019 ] 



방출하는 ...

Releasing ...

너희가 너의 삶을 뒤돌아보면서, “내가 무엇을 생각하고 있었지?,  내가 그것을 했을까?, 내가 어떻게 그처럼 생각이 없었을 수가 있을까?” 물을 때들이 있을  있다. 스며드는 후회들과 부정적 생각들을 허용하는 대신, 네가 배운 모든 것을 조사해봐라! (미소 지으며)

너는 최선의 길을 선택하지 못했을  있지만, 너는 하나의 선택을 만든다. 너는 너의 반응에 대해 자랑스럽지 못했을  있지만, 너는 다르게 반응하는 법을 배웠다. 너는 너의 결정의 완전한 결과들을 알지 못했을  있지만, 너는 지식을 얻었다. 너의 과거의 어떤 부분들이 고통스럽다 해도, 얻어진 지혜는 멋지고 아름다운 선물이다! 친애하는 이여,  자신에게 휴식을 주어라, 너는 항상  나은 방법들을 배우고 있다. - 창조자

There may be times when you look back on your life and say, “What was I thinking? Why did I do that? How could I have been so clueless?” Instead of allowing regrets and negative thoughts to creep in, examine all you have learned! (Smiling)

You may not have chosen the best way but, you make a choice. You may not have been proud of your reaction but, you learned how to react differently. You may not have known the full ramifications of your decision but, you gained knowledge. For as painful as some parts of your past have been, the wisdom gained is a great and beautiful gift! Give yourself a break, dear one, you have always been learning better ways. ~ Creator



들어오고 있는...


 순간에 [들어오고 있는]방대한 양의 지식이 너희에게 주어지고 있다. 그것은 너희가 너의 새로운 리듬으로 정착하기 시작할 , 다소 압도적이거나 혼란스럽게 느낄  있지만, 너희는 거기 도달할 것이다. 또한 너희의 대다수가 마찬가지로 중대한 선택들을 제시받고 있으며, 그것이 육체적으로 아주 힘들  있다. 너희가 누구에게로 돌아설지를  필요가 있을 때에, 우주가 항상 너의 열렬하고 사랑스러운 지원자였음을 기억해라. - 창조자

In this moment an immense amount of knowledge is being given to you. It may feel a bit overwhelming or confusing as you begin to settle into your new rhythm but, you will get there. Also, a great many of you are being presented with monumental choices as well and it can be physically taxing. When in need you know who to turn to; The Universe has always been your most ardent and loving supporter. ~ Creator




Who You Are

보이든 보이지 않든, 느껴지든 체험되었든, 너의 순간들의 모든 것을 인정해라, 그것들이 [오늘의]  자신인 너를 만든 것이기 때문이다. - 창조자

Appreciate all of your moments, seen, unseen, felt and experienced because they are what make you who you are. ~ Creator



산들바람을 타고

On A Breeze

어떤 이는 너에게 네가 부정적 느낌들을 갖게 되어 있지 않다고, 갖지 말아야 한다고 말할 것이다. 만약 네가 그것들을 가지고 있다면, 그것들을 눌러버리고, 미소로 덮어라. 나의 가장 친애하는 이여, 이것은 진실과는 반대가 된다. 모든 믿음들과 신념 체계들의 사람들이 이따금 부정적 느낌들을 갖는다! 우주는 이것이 네가 이미 알고 있는 무언가가   있음을 알고 있지만, 상기하는 것은 좋다. (미소 지으며)

그러한 부정적인 것들을 포함해 너의 참된 자신이 되는 것은 너의 성장과 배움의 일부이다. 네가  많은 지식을 얻을수록, 그러한 그다지 좋지 않은 순간들이  문제가 된다. 그것들은 산들바람을 타고 오고   있으며... 네가 해야  모든 것은 그것이 일어나게 허용하는 것이다. 만약 네가 갇혔다고 느낀다면, 너를 도울 여분의  쌍의 눈을 요청해라. 도움을 요청하는데 해로운 것은 없다! 우주와 정말로 보살피는 자들은 항상 너를 위해 거기 있을 것이다. - 창조자

Some will tell you that you are not supposed to and do not have negative feelings. If you have them, they are stuffed down and topped with a smile. This, my dearest, is the opposite of the truth. People of all faiths and belief systems have negative feelings on occasion! The Universe knows this may be something you are already aware of but, reminders are nice. (Smiling)

Being your authentic self, including those negatives, are a part of your growth and learning. The more knowledge you gain, the less those not-so-good moments will matter. They can come and go on a breeze…all you have to do is allow it to happen. If you feel stuck, ask for an extra set of eyes to help you. There is no harm in asking for assistance! The Universe and those that really care will always be there for you. ~ Creator



다음은 무엇이!

What Next?

축하한다! 너희는 일어나고 있는  전환에서 여전히  다른 도전적인 순간을 통과했다! 너희는 다소 얻어맞은 듯이 느끼고, 감정적 탈진의 터치로 많이 피로해진 듯이 느낄  있다. 나의 사랑하는 이여, 그것은 네가 특별히 좋은 일을 하고 있을 때에 일어나는 것이다! 오늘, 일부 시간을 가지고, 네가 배웠고/받은 것을 돌아보고, 네가 받은  정보를 전하며, 그것을 어떻게 최선의 사용으로 넣을  있는지를 찾아라. 우주는 어떻게 안전하고 편안하게 다음 수준으로 진보하는지에 대한 ‘게임 플랜 가지고, 바로 거기 너와 함께 있을 것이다. 나는 다음에  것에 대해 다소 흥분되는  이상인데... 너도 그러냐?! - 창조자

Congratulations! You have moved through yet another challenging moment in the ongoing great shift! You may be feeling a little battered and beaten, a lot tired with a touch of emotional exhaustion. That, my darling, is what happens when you do exceptionally good work! Today, take some time and reflect on what you have learned/received, disseminate the information you received and discover how best to put it to use; The Universe will be right there with you, coming up with a ‘game plan’ on how to advance to the next level with safety and comfort. I am more than a little excited for what is coming next…are you?! ~ Creator

번역출처: AH.Korea http://www.abundanthopekorea.net/board1_1/12297 재림사무국/1922