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우주 실황중계

+ 깊이 숨을 들여마셔라 / 그 일에 충분한 가치가 있다 - 창조자 [Creator] 4/16~17/2019




깊이 숨을 들여마셔라 /  일에 충분한 가치가 있다

깊이 숨을 들여마셔라


Take a Deep Breath...

By Creator. 4/16/2019



지금은 너희가 적절히 [안전벨트로]묶여있는지를 확실히  시간인데,  다른 청소와 방출이 진행 중이기 때문이다. 끈적거리는 상황들이 편안하지 않은 방식으로 끝날  있지만, 사람들은 건너가 다른 쪽에서 그들의 일을 계속하기를 선택하고 있고, 너의 감정들은 마치 네가 롤러코스터를 타고 있는 듯이 느낄  있다. 우주는 네가  걸음 물러나서,   심호흡을 하고, 어떤 변화들에 상관없이, 혹은 너의 삶을 떠남에 상관없이, 너의 중심을 유지하는 것이 중요함을 알라고 요청한다.  격동이 불필요하게 느껴질  있지만, 그것은 그처럼 단단하게 박힌 깊은 어둠들을 뿌리 뽑는 방식을 가질 것인데, 그리하여 그것들이 방출되고, 조건 없는 사랑과 빛으로 변화될  있다. 이것은 네가 ‘혼자 필요가 있는 무엇이 아니며, 너는 같은 길에서 깨어난 자들로부터, 그리고 물론 우주로부터 지원을 가지고 있다. 이제 깊은 호흡을 들이마시고, 가라! - 창조자

It is time to make sure you are fastened in properly because another purge and release in underway. Sticky situations may be coming to an end in a less than comfortable way, people are choosing to cross over and continue their work on the other side and your emotions may feel as if you are on a roller coaster. The Universe is asking you to step back, take a few deep breaths and know that, regardless of whatever changes in or leaves your life, it is important to maintain your center. This upheaval may feel unnecessary but, it will have a way of rooting out those tightly held deep darks so they can be released and changed to Unconditional Love and light. Understand that this is not something you need to ‘go alone’; you have support from those walking the same path and, of course, The Universe. Now…take a deep breath and go! ~ Creator



 일에 충분한 가치가 있다

Well Worth The Work

By Creator. 4/17/2019


우주는 너희에게 속삭이고 있고, 너희의 일부에게는 그것이 하나의 외침이   있다. (미소 지으며) 바로 지금 많은 정보가 들어오고 있으며, 그것은 너를 다소 불편하게, 혹은 불안정하게 느끼게 만들  있다. 친애하는 이여, 결코 두려워하지 마라! 네가  정보를 소화하는  용이함이 하나의 생각으로 바뀔  있다.  들어오고 있는 [에너지]파도는 한동안 지속될  있으며, 정박해 머물고, 너의 인간 몸을 보살피며, 네가 우주에 의해 지원되고 있음을 확신해라. 이것이 모두 말해지고 이루어질 , 개인적 힘과 얻어진 지식이  일의 충분한 가치가 있을 것이다. - 창조자

The Universe is whispering to you and for some of you it may be a shout. (Smiling) There is a lot of information coming in right now and it may make you feel a bit uncomfortable and/or unstable. Never fear, dear one! The ease in which you are assimilating the information can be changed with a thought. This incoming wave may last a while so, be sure to stay grounded, take care of your human body and know you are being supported by The Universe. When this is all said and done, the personal power and knowledge gained will be well worth the work. ~ Creator

번역출처: AH.Korea http://www.abundanthopekorea.net/board1_1/12353 재림사무국/1929 ~30