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+ 창조자의 글 The Creator Writings [ 5/10/2019 - 5/12/2019 ] - 지금 너의 존재/삶을 돌아볼 한 순간을 가져라




창조자의 글 The Creator Writings

[ 5/10/2019 - 5/12/2019 ]

창조자의 글

The Creator Writings

By The Creator - Jennifer Farley



By The CREATOR WRITINGS [ 5/10/2019 - 5/12/2019 ] 


새로운 지금을 만드는 

Making A New Now

By Creator


지금은  자신을 사랑하기 시작할 시간이다. 그래, 많은 너희가 “나는 나를 사랑해라고 말하지만, 그것을 말하는 것과 그것을 내부에서 느끼는 것은  개의 다른 일이다. 나의 아름다운 어린이여, 자세히 들여다보면서,  자신에게  네가 사랑할  없는지/사랑하는 것을 두려워하는 지를 물어라. 그것이 네가 과거에 들었던 무언가인가, 아니면 네가 ‘낮아지게less than’ 느끼도록 만든 어떤 상황인가? 너는  방향에서  도약들을 만들었고... 이제, 그것은 그것을 포용하기 시작할 시간이다! 만약 그것이 너에게 불편하게 느껴진다면, 작게 시작해라, 지금  자신인 너를 만든 작은 일에 감사할 시간을 가져라. 너의 ‘그다지 좋지 않았던순간들에 대해  자신을 용서하고, 일어난 일에 상관없이, 네가 새로운 지금을 만들고 있음을 알아라. - 창조자

It is time to begin loving yourself. Yes, many of you say, “I love me” but, saying it and feeling it within are two different things. Look closely, my beautiful child, and ask yourself why you are unable to/afraid to love. Is it something you heard in your past or a situation that made you feel ‘less than’? You have made great leaps and bounds in that direction…now it is time to start embracing it! If it feels uncomfortable to you, start small; take time to appreciate the little thing that make you who you are. Forgive yourself for your ‘not so nice’ moments and know that, regardless of what has happened, you are making a new now. ~ Creator



너의 소명

Your Calling

By Creator


네가 지구로 도착하기 전에, 너희는 너의 시간을 가지고 네가 무엇을 할지에 대해 선택을 만들었다. 많은 너희가 하나의 ‘소명을,’ 너의 영혼이 자라는 것을 돕기 위한 하나의 목적을 결정했다. 네가 이해할  없는 것은 너의 존재/삶의 진로에 걸쳐 많은 소명들이 있을 것이라는 것이다. 놀랐지? (미소 지으며)

너희 영혼이 확장할 , 너의 배움이 그에 따라 바뀔 것이다. 네가 어렸을 , 너의 영혼이 노래 부르게 만들었던 것이  이상 공명하지 않을  있다. 너는 지식을 모으고, 감정의 멋진 학교에 참가하려는 의도로 왔다.  자신을 하나의 특정한 일에 제한하지 마라! 재미를 가지고, 네가 제공받는 무한한 가능성들과 선택들을 즐겨라. 그것이 네가 하려고 왔던 것인데,  그러냐? - 창조자

Before you arrived on Earth, you made choices about what you would do with your time. Many of you decided on a ‘calling’, a purpose to help your soul grow. What you may not understand is that there will be many callings over the course of your existence. Surprised? (Smiling)

As your soul expands, your learning will shift accordingly. What worked for and made your soul sing when you were younger may no longer resonate. You came with the intent of gathering knowledge and participating in the wonderful school of emotion. Do not limit yourself to one specific thing! Have fun and enjoy the infinite possibilities and choices you are offered. It is what you came to do, is it not? ~ Creator


그래, 너는   있다!

Yes, You Can!

By Creator


네가 작았을 , 네가 배울 필요가 있었던 어떤 일들이 있었는데... 걷는 , 말하는 , 다른 이들과 서로 사귀는 법이 있었다. 이것들은 의식적인 사고 과정의 일부가 아니었으며, 너는 단지 배웠다. 관련된 “ 포기하겠어,” “ 끝내겠어,” 혹은 “ 이것에 싫증났어 같은 것이 없었다. 너는 영혼의 수준에서 이것들이 이루어질 필요가 있음을 알고 있었고, 너는 그것들을 성취했다.

지금 너의 존재/삶을 돌아볼  순간을 가져라. 그래, 지식을 획득하는데 관련된 노력, 시간과 참을성이 있지만, 너는 걷는 법과 말하는 법을 배우는  어린 아이가   있는데... 그것을 네가 단지 하는 무언가로 만들면서 말이다!  자신에게,우주로부터 도움과 함께 네가 무엇이든 달성할  있음을  시간과 공간을 허용해라! - 창조자

When you were small, there were certain things you needed to learn…walking, talking, interacting with others. These were not part of a conscious thought process, you just learned. There was no “I give up”, “I quit” or “I’m so over this” involved. You knew on a soul level these things needed to be done so, you accomplished them.

Take a moment to look at your existence now. Yes, there is effort, time and patience involve in acquiring knowledge but, you can become that child learning to walk and talk…making it something you just do! Allow yourself the time and space know that, with help from The Universe, you can accomplish anything! ~ Creator

번역출처: AH.Korea http://www.abundanthopekorea.net/board1_1/12471  재림사무국/1956-8