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+ 창조자의 글 The Creator Writings [ 5/13/2019 - 5/16/2019 ] - 집중되어 머물고, 침착해져라




창조자의 글 The Creator Writings

[ 5/13/2019 - 5/16/2019 ]

창조자의 글

The Creator Writings

By The Creator - Jennifer Farley



By The CREATOR WRITINGS [ 5/13/2019 - 5/16/2019 ] 



 순간을 가져라...

Take A Moment...

By Creator


오늘  순간을 가지고 생각해라, 네가 헤쳐 나가면서, 어떻게 세계로  자신을 제시하기를 선택할 지에 대해 정말로 생각해봐라. 이것은 네가 건너뛰고 싶은 무의미한 연습과 같아 보일  있지만, 그것에 대해 정말로 생각해봐라! 너는 너의 어려움들에 대해 다른 이들에게 불평하고, 비난하면서 시간을 낭비하느냐, 너는 모든 나쁜 일이 너에게 일어나거나, 네가 아무리 열심히 노력하는데 상관없이 네가 ‘기회를 잡을 없다는 느낌을 가지고 있느냐? 만약 네가 그것이 과거에 일어났음을 모든 시간 생각하면서, 너에게  최악을 기대하며, 그것이 네가 그것을 바꾸려고 하는 것에 상관없이 거듭 다시 일어날 것을 믿으면서 너의 시간을 낭비한다면, 그때 너는  요점을 놓치고 있다!

비록 네가 이것을 전에 들었을  있다 해도, 그것은 되풀이  가치가 있는데, 네가 너에 대해 책임이 있다는  말이다! 너를 향해 부정적인 일들을 지시하는 외부의 힘이 있을  있지만, 궁극적으로 너는 너에 대해 책임이 있다. 너는 단순히 그것이 네가 항상 있었던 곳이기 때문에 거기서 계속하기를 선택한다. 우주는 너의 생각들을 바꾸는 것은 어떤 노력도 들지 않는다고 말하는 것을 사랑할 것이다. 그것은 상당한 노력을 요할 수도 있다! 그러나 의식적인 앎과 바꾸려는 의지로 무장하면, 모든 일들이 가능하다. 우주가 너에게 보여줄 기회를 주어라... 그리고  자신이 몹시 놀라게 허용해라! - 창조자

Take a moment today and think, really think about how you choose to move through and present yourself to the world. This may seem like a pointless exercise that you want to skip over but, really think about it! Do you spend it kvetching and blaming others for your difficulties, do you have the feeling that everything bad happens to you or that you cannot ‘catch a break’ no matter how hard you try? If you spend your time thinking about all the times it has happened in the past, anticipate the worst coming at you and believe it will happen again and again no matter what you do to change it, then you are missing the point!

Even though you may have heard this before, it bears repeating; you are responsible for you! There may be outside force directing negative things toward you but, ultimately, you are responsible for you. You choose to continue there simply because it is where you have always been. The Universe would love to say that changing your thoughts does not require any effort. It may require a lot of effort! However, armed with a conscious awareness and the will to change, all things are possible. Give The Universe a chance to show you…and allow yourself to be amazed! ~ Creator



흐름을 선택하는 

Choosing The Flow

By Creator


너희가 파도들을 타고  , 몸을 푸는 것을 기억해라! 모든  순간에 너희가 제시받고 있는 것은 기껏해야 일시적이다. 비록 그것이 바로 지금 도전적이   있다 해도, 다음 것은 완전히 다르고, 사랑스러운 무언가가  것이다.  자신이 ‘흐름과 함께 가도록허용하는 것은 바람 속에서 하염없이 떠도는 것이나,  주위로 일어나는 것의 자비의 손에 놓여 있음을 의미하지 않는다. 그것은 변화하는 것과, 너의 길로 오는 무엇이든 적응하는 것을 의미하는데, 그래 만약 네가 그것이 너의 최고와 최선 속에 있지 않다고 느낀다면,  길을 걸어 나오라. 너의 자유 의지가 항상 활동 중이고... 네가 해야만 하는 모든 것은 그것을 사용으로 넣는 것이다! - 창조자

As you are riding the waves remember to relax! Every moment you are presented with is temporary at best. Know that, even though it may be challenging right now, the next will be something completely different and lovely. Allowing yourself to ‘go with the flow’ does not mean blowing listlessly in the wind and being at the mercy of what goes on around you. It means changing and adapting to whatever comes your way and, yes, stepping out of the way if you feel it is not in your highest and best. Your free will is always active…all you have to do is put it to use! ~ Creator



꾸준히 가라

Steady On...

By Creator


너희가 움직이면서, 너의 ‘깊은 어둠들 방출할 , 그것이 결코 끝나지 않는 과정처럼 느껴질  있고, 부정적 감정들, 상처들, 분노, 반감, 두려움이 너를 살아있는 채로 삼킬 것처럼 느껴질  있다. 나의 가장 다정한 어린이여, 항상 기억해라, 너의 길의 모든  걸음에 지도하는 손과 빛이 있다는 것을. 가게 내버려두는 것이 너의 생애 동안 네가  가장 중요한 일들의 하나가  것이고, 네가 시작한 곳으로부터  멀리 움직일수록,  많은 실현을 너는 달성할  있을 것이다. 꾸준히 가라! 너는 그것을   있다! - 창조자

As you move through and release your ‘deep darks’, it may feel like a never-ending process…that the negative emotions, hurts, anger, resentment and fear will swallow you alive. Always remember, my dearest child; there is a guiding hand and light with you every step of the way. Letting go will be one of the most important things you do in your lifetime and, the further to move from where you started, the more manifesting you will be able to accomplish. Steady on! You can do it! ~ Creator




집중되어 머물고, 침착해져라

Stay focused & Calm

By Creator


많은 너희가 오늘의 에너지가 어떤 엄숙함을 가져옴을 주목했다. 이것은 하나의 상기할 거리로서, 언제나처럼 우주(그리고  지속적인 변화) 인류를 위해 멋진 일들을 비축하고 있다고 말이다. (미소 지으며) 알지 못하는 불안이 들어오기 전에, 부디 이것을 염두에 두어라, 변화가 항상 쉽지 않을  있지만, 그것이 너희 세계를 치유하는 방법에 대한   이해를 위해 필요하다는 것을.

너희가 너의 매일의 삶을 위한 선택을 만들 , 너희가 또한 너희 지구가 결코 알지 못했던 평화와 평온을 향해 많은 다른 이들과 함께 일하고 있음을 기억해라. 집중된  머물고, 침착해지며, 너의 가슴 속에서, 비록 그것이  순간에 도전적으로 느껴질  있다 해도, 네가 항상 동경해왔던 것이 오는  길에 있다는 앎을 운반해라. - 창조자

Many of you have noticed that today’s energy brings a certain gravitas. This is a reminder that, as always, The Universe (and its continual shifting) has great things in store for humankind. (Smiling) Before the anxiety of not knowing kicks in, please keep this in mind; change may not always be easy but, it is needed for a greater understanding of how to heal your world.

As you make choices for your everyday life, remember that you are also working with a multitude of others toward a peace and tranquility your Earth has never known. Stay focused, calm and carry an awareness in your heart that, even though it may feel challenging in this moment, what you have always longed for is on the way. ~ Creator



번역출처: AH.Korea  http://www.abundanthopekorea.net/board1_1/12493  재림사무국/1960-3