우주 실황중계

+ 창조자의 글 The Creator Writings [ 5/25/2019 - 5/27/2019 ] - 앞에 있는 길. 나가서 놀아라!

+ 쉬 리 + 2019. 5. 28. 19:50




창조자의 글 The Creator Writings

[ 5/25/2019 - 5/27/2019 ]

창조자의 글

The Creator Writings

By The Creator - Jennifer Farley



By The CREATOR WRITINGS [ 5/25/2019 - 5/27/2019 ] 


앞에 있는 

The Road Ahead...

오늘 우주는 너희에게 균형에 대해 말하고 싶어 한다. 정보의 전면적인 파급으로부터 휴식 기간으로, 다시 전면적인 파급으로 나가는 것이 도전적이   있다. 만약 네가  과정으로 초보라면, 인간 몸에 대한  영향력들이 다소 충격적이   있다. 이것이 너의 기술들이 들어오는 곳이다. (미소 지으며)

너희는 이러한 변화들을 우아하고 쉽게 항해할 도구들을 부여받았지만, 가끔 그것은 우아하지도, 쉽지도 않다. 이들과 같은 순간들에서 해야  최선의 일은 숨을 쉬는 것이다! 너의 숨쉬기를 의식적으로 자각하는 것은 네가 너의 중심을 유지하게 도울 것이다. 너의 생각들을 긍정적으로 유지하는 것이 네가 너의 최선의 길에 머무는 것을 도울 것인데, 비록 그것이 다소 거칠어질  있다 해도 말이다. 네가 선택하는 어떤 양식으로든 정박하는 것이 또한  도움이 된다. 완전히 여기, 너의 지구 계에 있는 것이 네가 하고 싶은 마지막 일이   있다. 그러나 그것은 네가 선택한 용기의 건강과 행복을 위해 필요하다. 우주는 물론, 항상 네가 그것을 필요로 하는 언제든 도움/원조가 사용가능하게 한다. 언제나처럼, 너는 사랑받고, 소중이 여겨지며, 감탄되고, 존중되는데, 네가 지금 하고 있는 일과 앞으로  일을 위해 말이다. - 창조자

Today The Universe would like to speak to you about balance. It can be a challenge to go from a full-on dissemination of information into a rest period and back into full-on. If you are new to the process, the effects on the human body may be a bit of a shock. This is where your skills come in. (Smiling)

You have been given the tools to navigate these changes with grace and ease but, sometimes, it is neither graceful nor easy. The best thing to do in moments like these is to breathe! Being consciously aware of your breath will help you maintain your center. Keeping your thoughts positive will help you to stay on your best path even though it may be a little rough. Grounding, in whatever manner you choose, is also of great assistance. Being fully here, on your Earth plane, may be the last thing you want to do. But it is necessary for the health and well-being of your chosen vessel. The Universe, of course, is always available for assistance whenever you need it. As always, you are loved, cherished, admired and respected for the work you are doing now and the work forthcoming. ~ Creator



 다른 부드러운 상기할 거리

Another Gentle Reminder...

각각의 가슴, 각각의 영혼, 각각의 인간이 그러한 것으로 취급될 자격이 있다. 그것은 그들이 무엇을 입든, 그들의 친구들/가족이 누구이든, 그들이 어디로부터 왔던, 그들이 무엇을 숭배하거나 하지 않기를 선택하든, 그들이 어디에 살거나 어디로 가기를 선택하든 간에 상관없다. 모든 너희 각자는 너의 여기와 지금 속에 살고 있는데, 네가 하기로 의도된 길을, 너에게 특정적으로 일하는 방식으로 걸으면서 말이다! 너희가 다른 사람의 견해가 너의 것과 다르다고 해서  자신 안에서 다른 이를 모욕하거나, 배제하거나, 괴롭히거나 학대하기를 결정할 , 너는  자신을 해치기를 선택하고 있다. 그래, 의견의 차이점들이 있을 테지만, 너는... 너의 내장에서... 그것이 어디서 선을 넘는지를 알고 있다. 이해, 사랑, 기쁨, 평화를 가져오는 자가 되어라. 그것은 훨씬  쉽고, 훨씬 적은 ’ 공간 요하며, 그러나 너희 세계의 너무나 많은 것을 좋은 것으로 채울 것이다. - 창조자

Each heart, each soul, each human deserves to be treated as such. It does not matter what they wear, who their friends/family are, where they are from, what they choose to/not to worship, where they live or where they are choosing to go. Each and every one of you is living your here and now, walking the path you are meant to take and in a way that works specifically for you! When you decide within yourself to shame, exclude, harass or abuse another because their views differ from yours, you are choosing to hurt yourself. Yes, there will be differences of opinion, however, you know…in your gut…when it crosses a line. Be a bringer of understanding, love, joy and peace. It is much easier and takes up less ‘brain space’ but, fills so much of your world with good. ~ Creator



나가서 놀아라!

Go Play!

너희 육체적 세상을 넘어 존재하는 하나의 세계가 있다. 마법이 일어나는 세계, 실현이 순간의 통고로 나타나는 세계, 그리고 너희 창조물들이 네가 지금 보고 있는 것처럼 실질적인 세계 말이다. 너희는 그것에 접근할 도구들이 주어졌으므로, 나가서 놀아라! (웃으며) 재미를 가져라! 어린 아이가 아이스크림 트럭을 쫓아가듯이 그것을 향해 달려가라, 네가 처음으로 너의  진흙탕 물을 발견하고, 보는 어른들이 없을  네가 좋아하는 노래를 연주하는 것처럼 그것과 춤추듯이 그것 속에서 뒹굴어라! 너는 그것을 하기 위한 힘과 추진력, 그리고 기술을 가지고 있다! 너를 막는 유일한 일은 물론  자신이다. - 창조자

There is a world that exists beyond your physical world. A world where magic happens, where manifestations appear at a moment’s notice and your creations are as real as what you are looking at now. You have been given the tools to access it so, go play! (Laughing) Have fun! Run toward it like a child chasing the ice cream truck, roll around in it like you have found your first big mud puddle and there are no adults watching, dance with it like it is playing your favorite song! You have the power, the drive and skill to do it. The only thing stopping you is, of course, you. ~ Creator



번역출처: AH.Korea http://www.abundanthopekorea.net/board1_1/12538 재림사무국/1972-4