우주 실황중계

+ 시작할 시간이다 Time To Start / 더 나은 내일을 향해 - 창조자 [Creator] 6/1/2019

+ 쉬 리 + 2019. 6. 2. 19:50




시작할 시간이다 Time To Start

시작할 시간이다


Time To Start

By Creator. 6/1/2019


너희의 깨어남과 배움의 과정이 항상 너의 삶의 체험들을 통해 걸러졌지만, 거친 시작들은 항상 도전적인 성장이나 성과를 의미하지 않는다. 너희의 놀랍고 무한한 마음/정신은 너희가 초점을 주기를 선택하는 것이 무엇이든 바꿀 능력을 가졌고, 자유 의지는 그것을 그러한 체험들의 외부의 모든 가능성들로 연다. 너희는 일들이 항상 그랬던 것처럼 되기를 바라느냐, 아니면 너희는 너의  나은 내일을 향해 움직이기 위해 의식적인 노력을 만들겠느냐?

우주는 너의 존재/삶이 너의 것임을 이해하고, 길을 따라 항상 너를 지원할 것이다. 친애하는 이여, 이제, 지금은 창조하기 시작할 시간이다! - 창조자

Your awakening and learning process has always been filtered through your life experiences but, rough beginnings do not always mean challenging growth or outcome. Your amazing, infinite mind has the ability to change whatever you choose to focus on and free will opens it up to all the possibilities outside those experiences. Do you wish things to be as they have always been, or will you make a conscious effort to move toward your better tomorrow?

The Universe understands that your existence is yours and will always support you along the way. Now, dear one, it is time to start creating! ~ Creator


번역출처: AH.Korea http://www.abundanthopekorea.net/board1_1/12566 재림사무국/1979