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+ 창조자의 글 The Creator Writings [ 3/30/2019 - 4/3/2019 ] - 너는 할 수 있다! 너의 목소리가 들리게 해라




창조자의 글 The Creator Writings

[ 3/30/2019 - 4/3/2019 ]

창조자의 글

The Creator Writings

By The Creator - Jennifer Farley



By The CREATOR WRITINGS [ 3/25/2019 - 3/29/2019 ] 




너는   있다!

You Can!

가장 친애하는 이여, 너는  세계에서 걷고 있는  자신을 발견할  있다. 모든 일들을 위한 평화와 사랑, 존중의 의도된 세계가 건설되고, 매일  강해지면서  주위에 있다. 그러나 조롱, 두려움, 공감의 부족의 진행되는 세계는 여전히 너의 매일의 활동들을 둘러싸고 있다. 그것은 도전적이   있고, 가끔은 헤쳐 나가는 것이 매우 피곤해질  있다. 나는 너에게 작은 비밀 하나를 알려줄 터인데... 너는 정확히 네가 있는 곳에서, 궁극적 목표를 향해 계속 일하기 위해, 너의 지혜와 진실로부터 흔들림 없이 서있기 위한 힘과 지식, 끈기와 우아함을 가지고 있다고 말이다. 우주는 네가 이것을   있음을 알고 있으며... 너는   있다! - 창조자

Dearest one; you may find yourself walking in two worlds. The intended world of peace, love and respect for all things is around you, building and becoming stronger every day. However, the ongoing world of derision, fear and lack of empathy still surrounds your everyday activities. It can be challenging and, sometimes, very tiring to navigate both. I will let you in on a little secret…you have the strength, knowledge, fortitude and grace to stand exactly where you are, unswayed from your vision and truth to keep working toward the ultimate goal. The Universe knows you can do this…you can! ~ Creator





오늘, 성찰을 위해 어떤 시간을 가져라. 일부에게는 내부로 들어가서 불안을 일으키는 것이 무엇인지를 보는 것이 도전적이   있다. 다른 이들에게는 그것이 맑게 치운 길이   있다. 인간이 되는 기쁨들 중의 하나는 자주 터치 되지 않은 부분들로 도달하고, 그것들을 그것들이 정말로 무엇인지를   있게 되는 것이다. 각각이 존중과 보살핌을 받을 자격이 있는 너의 시각표 속의 하나의 순간이다. 그러한 순간들은 진실로 너이다! - 창조자

Take some time today for introspection. For some, it may be a bit challenging to go within and see what is causing discomfort. For others, it may be a clear path. One of the joys of being human is being able to reach the parts that are not often touched and see them for what they really are. Each one is a moment in your timeline that deserves respect and care. Those moments are truly you! ~ Creator



일어서서 [너의 목소리가] 들리게 해라

Stand Up And Be Heard!

가장 친애하는 이여, 계속 무겁고, 도전적이며, 속이 뒤틀리는 문제들을 영원히 피하는 것은 건설적이 아니다. 궁극적으로, 그것은 네가 기대하지 않은 방식들로  것이다. 이것은 다음에 너를  특정 순간에 놀라게 하고, 매우 불편하게 남길  있다. 일어서서 들리게 해라, 그런 다음 소리 없는 자들을 위해 일어서라. 만약 네가  소리 없는 자들의 하나였거나/이라면, 지금은 경청되어야  시간이다. - 창조자

Dearest one, it is not constructive to continue dodging the heavy, challenging, gut-wrenching stuff forever. Eventually, it will come up in ways you are not expecting. This, in turn, may leave you surprised and very uncomfortable in that particular moment. Stand up and listen, then stand up for the voiceless. If you were/are one of the voiceless, it is time to be heard! ~ Creator



받아들임과 지원

Acceptance & Support

네가  자신을 열고, 정말로 다른 사람의 진실로 귀를 기울일 , 너는  자신을 조건 없는 사랑으로 열고 있다. 이것은 그들의 진실이 너의 것이  필요가 있음을, 네가 생각하는 , 느끼는 , 믿는 것을 부인함을 의미하지 않으며... 그것은 네가 판단이나 비난 없이 다른 이들에게 귀를 기울일 만큼 충분히  자신이 확고하고,  자신을 사랑한다는 것을 의미한다. 서로에게 수용과 지원을 주는 것은 실로 하나의 위대한 선물이다! - 창조자

When you open yourself and really listen to another’s truth, you open yourself to love unconditionally. This does not mean their truth needs to become yours, that you need to dis-avow what you think, feel and believe…it means that you are secure enough and love yourself enough to hear others without judgement or condemnation. Giving acceptance and support to each other is a great gift indeed! ~ Creator


내부에 ...

Within ...

너희가 너의 아름다움을 잊어버리는 너무나 많은 때들이 있었다! 너의 친절과 연민, 너의 공감과 사랑, 네가 존중심으로 다른 이들을 취급하는 방식 ... 네가 취하고  자신의 것으로 만든 우주로부터의 모든 선물들 말이다. 이제 너의 성장은 네가  자신에 대해 어떻게 느끼고,  자신을 어떻게 취급하는가에 대한 모든 것이  것이다. 나의 어린이여, 네가 다른 이들에게 보여주고, 주는 것이 내부에 존재하는 것의 직접적인 반영임을 기억해라. - 창조자

There have been so many times when you have forgotten the beauty of you! Your kindness and compassion, your empathy and love, the way you treat others with respect…all gifts from The Universe that you have taken and made your own. Your growth now is going to be all about how you feel about and treat yourself. Remember, dear child, what you show and give others is a direct reflection of what exists within. ~ Creator

번역출처: AH.Korea http://www.abundanthopekorea.net/board1_1/12306 재림사무국/1923