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+ 창조자의 글 The Creator Writings [ 4/4/2019 - 4/8/2019 ] - 고요/정적. 분류할 시간이다




창조자의 글 The Creator Writings

[ 4/4/2019 - 4/8/2019 ]

창조자의 글

The Creator Writings

By The Creator - Jennifer Farley


By The CREATOR WRITINGS [ 4/4/2019 - 4/8/2019 ] 





너의 마음의 깊고 조용한 공간으로 도달하는 것은 너를 모든 수준에서 새로운 가능성들로 여는데 ... 고요/정적으로 항복해라. - 창조자

Reaching into the deep, quiet spaces of your mind opens you up to new possibilities on every level…surrender to the silence. ~ Creator



분류할 시간이다

Time To Sort ...

너희는 기억들과 오고 있는  많은 것의 하나의 생애를 가지고 있다. 가끔 그러한 기억들은 좋은 것과 나쁜 ,  다가 한데 얽힌 것이 되었다. 어떤 시점에서 너희는 그것들을 상자들에 넣고, 그것들을 멀리 치우는 것이 해야  최선의 일이라고 느꼈을  있다.

 전환 동안, 지금은 분류를 시작할 시간이다! 네가 유지하고 싶은 것과 네가 버리고 싶은 것을 결정해라. 이것은 가장 쉬운 과정이 아닐  있지만, 지금은 너의 과거의 상처를  일들에 대한 에너지 부하를 가게 내버려  시간이다. 언제나처럼, 네가 너의 치유와 성장을 진행할 , 너는 우주에 의해 보호되고 지원될 것인데, 네가 사랑 받고 있기 때문이다! - 창조자

You have a lifetime of memories and more to come. Sometimes, those memories have become tangled up, both good and bad together. At one point, you may have felt that putting them in boxes and storing them away was the best thing to do.

In this shift, it is time to start sorting! Decide what you want to keep and what you would like to release. This may not be the easiest process but, it is time to begin letting go of the energetic charge of hurtful things in your past. As always, you will be protected and supported by The Universe as you proceed with your healing and growth because you are loved! ~ Creator




The Request

만약 네가  시작으로부터 그것을 동경하지 않았다면, 너는 결코 너의 지구 계로 오는 것을 선택하지 않았을 것이다. 배워야  교훈들이 있고, 체험되어야  일들이 있으며, 가져야  기쁨이 있다. 너는 그것을 요청했으며, 그리하여 너는 여기 있다. 너의 존재 속의 모든 것과 함께 그것을 포용해라. - 창조자

If you didn’t long for it from the beginning, you would never have chosen to come to your Earth-plane. There are lessons to be learned, things to be experienced and joy to be had. You requested it, therefore you are here. Embrace it with everything in your being. ~ Creator



너의 가슴의 일부

A Part Of Your Heart

귀를 기울여라! 매우 주의 깊게 들어라, 너는 우주가 너에게 말하는 것을 들을 것이다. 그것은 항상 말들 속에 있지 않을  있고, 그것은 시나 노래 속에 있을  있으며, 파도들이 해변에 부딪치는 방식으로,  소리나, 단지 정적으로 들릴  있다. 일단 네가 그것이 너에게 말하는 방식을 발견했을 , 너는 항상 그것을 들을 것이고, 그것이 너의 가슴의 일부가 된다. 나의 사랑하는 이여, 이것이 꿈들이 창조되고, 결실로 가져와지는 방식이다. - 창조자

Listen! Listen very carefully and you will hear The Universe speaking to you. It may not always be in words; it may be in poetry or song, the way the waves crashing on the beach sound to you, the birdsong or just silence. Once you have discovered the way it speaks to you, you will always hear it, it becomes a part of your heart. This, my darling one, how dreams are created and brought to fruition. ~ Creator




The Gift

오늘, 너희는 너의 생애 동안 네가 만났거나 알았던 모든 놀라운 사람들을 돌아보라고 초대받는다. 상호작용들은 경외심을 불러일으켰거나 겸손하게 만들었을  있고, 그것들은 네가 존재하는지 몰랐던 너의 영혼의 일부를 일깨웠거나, 너를 네가 기대하지 않았던 길에 놓았을  있다. 그것들의 각각이  당시에 네가 완전히 알지 못했을  있는 어떤 선물을 주었고, 너에게 완전한 힘을 돌려주었다. 너희가  다음 [에너지]변화를 통과할 , 그러한 아름다운 순간들을 포용하고, 그것들이  속으로 흘러들어가게 해라. 우주는 (다른 이들과  자신으로부터 ) 선물들을 나눔에서 불멸성이 존재함을, 너희가 진실로  모든 것의 일부임을 너희에게 보여주고 있다. - 창조자

Today, you are invited to look back at all the amazing people you crossed paths with or have known during your lifetime. The interactions may have been awe inspiring or humbling, they may have awakened a part of your soul you did not know existed or put you on a path you were not expecting. Each one of them gave you a gift that you may not have been fully aware of at the time but, has come back to you full force. As you move through this next shift, embrace those beautiful moments and let them flow into you. The Universe is showing you that, in sharing gifts (from others and yourself), immortality does exist and you are truly a part of it all. ~ Creator

번역출처: AH.Korea http://www.abundanthopekorea.net/board1_1/12312 재림사무국/1924