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+ 창조자의 글 The Creator Writings [ 4/9/2019 - 4/13/2019 ] - 너희는 어떻게 시작하는지를 알고 있다. 준비되어 있느냐?




창조자의 글 The Creator Writings

[ 4/9/2019 - 4/13/2019 ]

창조자의 글

The Creator Writings

By The Creator - Jennifer Farley



By The CREATOR WRITINGS [ 4/9/2019 - 4/13/2019 ] 





이것은 많은 다른 소스들을 통해 수없이 말해졌는데, 너희 세계, 너의 삶이 너의 생각들이 변할  변할 것이라고 말이다. 이것은 물론 항상 너의 선택이었다. 우주는 모든 생각과 느낌, 그리고 행동을 따르는데 항상 행복했다. 너는 너의 존재/삶의 공동-창조자이고, 항상 그랬다. 네가 이것에 대해 의식적인 깨달음을 가지고 있을 , 너희 세계의 일들이 변하기 시작할 것이다. 그것이 어떻게 변하는가는 전적으로 너에게 달려 있다! - 창조자

This has been said many times through many different sources; your world, your life will change when your thoughts change. This, of course, has always been your choice. The Universe has always been happy to oblige every thought, feeling and action! You are and have been the co-creator of your existence. When you have a conscious realization of this, things in your world will begin to change. How it changes is completely up to you! ~ Creator



너희는 어떻게 시작하는지를 알고 있다

You Know How To Begin

만약 네가 내일 아침에 일어났고, 네가 원했던 모든 것이 일어났다면, 너의 모든 희망들, 꿈들, 소원들이 의문 없이 성취되었다면 어쩔 것인가. 너는 눈을 한두  껌벅거리고, “ 꿈을 꾸고 있어라고 말하면서,  모든 것을 효과적으로 지워버릴 것인가, 아니면 너는 앞으로 나가서, 네가 창조한 것을 탐험하겠는가? 너는  능력을 가지고 있고, 너는 어떻게 시작할지를 알고 있으며, 너는 네가 원하는 모든 것이   있고, 원하는 모든 것을 창조할  있다. 그것이 요하는 모든 것은  번의 걸음이다. - 창조자

What if you woke up tomorrow morning and everything you ever wanted had come to pass. All of your hopes, dreams and wishes fulfilled without question. Would you blink once or twice and say, “I am dreaming”, effectively erasing it all or would you go forth and explore what you had created? You have this ability, you know how to begin and you can become and create all that you want. All it takes is one step. ~ Creator



너는 준비되어 있느냐?

Are You Ready?

너는 준비되어 있느냐? 만약 네가 준비되었다고 말한다면, 그럼 지금이  시간이다.  다른 [에너지] 변화가 너희에게 와있고, 너희의 인식의 대부분이 변할  있다. 일어났던 것이 가라앉을  있다. 오른쪽이었던 것이 왼쪽이   있다. 어두웠던 것이 밝아질 잠재성을 가지고 있다. 절망감으로부터 즐거운 성장으로 너의 인식들을 바꾸도록 허용하는 것이 항상 쉽지 않지만, 그것은 이루어질  있다! 너의 인간 존재/삶은  순간 변할  있는데, 만약 네가 그것으로 열려 있다면 말이다. 피해자(이것이 항상 나에게 일어나고 있다)로부터 체험(이것이 일어났지만, 나는 존재한다)으로 움직이는 것은 네가 택하게  가장 중요한 걸음들이다. 우주는 너를 매일 지원하고 지도하는데... 네가 준비되어 있다면 말이다! - 창조자


Are you ready? If you say you are, then it is time. Another shift is upon you and a great many of your perceptions may change. What was up, may be down. What was right may become left. What was dark has the potential to become light. Allowing your perceptions to change from hopelessness to joyful growth is not always easy but, it can be done! Your human existence can change moment to moment if you are open to it. Moving from the victim (this is always being done to me) to an experiencer (this has happened but, I am) is one of the most important steps you will ever take. The Universe supports and guides you every day…you are ready! ~ Creator





서서히, 그러나 확실히, 세계가 깨어나고 있다. 너희 각자가 너의 지구 계의 존재/삶의 기쁨과 경이를 보기 시작하고 있다.   속에서 너희 지구가 인간이 그렇듯이, 사랑과 보살핌을 필요로 한다는 것을 또한 배우고 있다. 너는 단지 혼자일  있지만, ‘혼자 다수가 한데 모일 , 위대한 일들이 달성될  있다. 너의 내부와 너의 주위의 아름다움을 보살피기 위해 매일 어떤 시간을 떼어놓아라.  노력은 충분히  가치가 있을 것이다. - 창조자

Slowly but surely, the world is awakening. Each of you is beginning to see the joy and wonder of your Earth plane existence. In that awareness, you are also learning that your Earth needs love and care, just as a human does. You may be only one but, when a multitude of ‘ones’ join together, great things can be accomplished. Set aside some time every day to take care of the beauty within and around you. The effort will be well worth it! ~ Creator



사랑인가, 아니면 두려움인가?

Love Or Fear

다가올 주들과 달들 동안, 너희는 하나의 선택이 주어질 것인데, 너희 세계로 빛을 가져올 것인가, 아니면 두려움을 뿌리고, 먹일 것인가를. 이것으로 네가 어떻게 반응하고 행동하기를 선택하는가가 완전히 너에게 달려 있으며... 이것은 자유 의지의 진정한 기쁨들 중의 하나이다. (미소 지으며)

오늘, 너희는 내부를 들어다보라고, 너의 동기들과 어떻게 네가 실현하기를 선택하는가를 조사하라고 초대받고 있다.  시점에서 앞으로 너의 삶을 어떻게  것인가? 네가  선택이 쉽다고 느낄 , 고려되어야  많은 요인들이 있다. 너는  자신이 두려움을 퍼뜨리는  속으로 들어가게 허용하겠느냐, 아니면 너는 조건 없는 사랑을 발산하는 것으로 이끌리겠느냐? 나의 아름다운 어린이여, 현명하게 선택해라, 너의 삶에서 나타나 보이는 것이 그것에 아주 많이 달려 있을  있다. - 창조자

In the coming weeks and months, you are going to be given a choice; bring light into your world or spread and feed fear. How you choose to react and act to this is completely up to you…this is one of the true joys of free will. (Smiling)

Today, you are being invited to look within and examine your motivations and how you choose to manifest. How will live your life from this point forward? As easy as you feel this choice should be, there are many factors to be considered. Will you allow yourself to be pushed into spreading fear or will you be drawn to radiating Unconditional Love? Choose wisely, my beautiful child, what appears in your life may very well depend on it. ~ Creator

번역출처: AH.Korea http://www.abundanthopekorea.net/board1_1/12332 재림사무국/1925