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+ 너의 도구상자 / ‘나의 시간’을 다소 가져라 - 창조자 [Creator] 4/18~19/2019




너의 도구상자 / ‘나의 시간 다소 가져라

너의 도구상자

Your Toolbox

By Creator. 4/18/2019




너희는 우주로, 그것이 너희에게 말해야 하는 것으로 세심한 주의를 기울이도록 요청받았다. 들어오고 있는 지식의 무한한 양이 있으며... 그렇게 많은 만큼, 너희는 다소 압도된 , 혼란스럽게 느낄  있다. (미소 지으며) 너희가   있는 대로 중심에 머무르면서, 평화로이 있는 것이 중요하다. 너희가 알지 못했을  있는 일들의 하나는, 네가 너의 영혼을 흔드는 것에 대해, 간단한 요청으로,  유입의 양식이 바뀌도록 요청할  있다는 것이다. 음악이 너를 행동과 운동으로 불러야만 하는가? 시가? 영화가? 자연이? 우주의 선물들을 받는 무한한 방법들이 있으며, 너는 많은 다른 도구들이 주어져 있는데, 따라서  순간에 너를 위해 최선으로 일하는 것을 사용할 어떤 재미를 가져라! - 창조자

You have been asked to pay close attention to The Universe, what it has to say to you. There is an infinite amount of knowledge coming in…so much so, that you may feel a bit overwhelmed and/or discombobulated. (Smiling) It is important to remain as centered and peaceful as you can. One of the things you may not have known; you can ask that the format of the inflow be changed, depending on what stirs your soul, with a simple request. Does music call you to action and movement? Poetry? Film? Nature? There are infinite ways of receiving The Universe’s gifts, you are given many different tools so, have some fun and use whichever one works best for you in this moment! ~ Creator


나의 시간 다소 가져라

Take Some ‘Me Time’

By Creator. 4/19/2018


너희가 결코 준비되지 않은 일들이 있을  있지만,  모든 것에도 불구하고, 너희는좋아, 우주여, 그것을 가져와하고 말하면서 서있다. 그것은 경외심을 불러일으킨다! (미소 지으며) 인간의 존재/ 속에 일어나는 일들은 도전적이고, 슬프며, 속상하고, 좌절감을 느낄  있다. 그러나 많은 너희가 그것을 지나 기쁨과 행복, 사랑과 성취를 보며...정말로 놀라운 위업을 본다. 오늘을 위한 너희의 ‘숙제 너희가 너의 능력의 최선으로 일해 왔고 성장해왔으며, 다소  자격이 있음을 알면서,  시간을 다소 갖는 것이다. 가장 새로운 에너지의 유입이 정착되기를 허용해라, 그런 다음 너희는 네가 어디를  필요가 있는지를 물을  있고/  있다. ’나의 시간 다소 갖는 것과 잘못된 일이 결코 없었다. 우주는 그것을 완전히 지원한다. - 창조자

There may be things you are never ready for but, despite it all, there you stand saying, “OK Universe, bring it!” That is awe-inspiring! (Smiling) The things that occur in a human existence can be challenging, sad, upsetting and frustrating. But, many of you look past it to the joy, happiness, love and accomplishment…a truly amazing feat. Your ‘homework’ for today; take a bit of time to relax, knowing that you have been working and growing to the best of your ability and deserve a bit of time off. Allow the newest influx of energy to settle in then you can ask/see where you need to go. There never has been anything wrong with taking a bit of ‘me time’. The Universe fully supports it. ~ Creator

번역출처: AH.Korea http://www.abundanthopekorea.net/board1_1/12363 재림사무국/1930~1