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+ 창조자의 글 The Creator Writings [ 5/19/2019 - 5/20/2019 ] - 지금은 일에 착수할 시간이다!




창조자의 글 The Creator Writings

[ 5/19/2019 - 5/20/2019 ]

창조자의 글

The Creator Writings

By The Creator - Jennifer Farley




By The CREATOR WRITINGS [ 5/19/2019 - 5/20/2019 ] 





By Creator


너희가 자라면서 지식을 얻을 , 우주의 목소리가  뚜렷해지고, 이해할 만해  것이다. 너희 지구 계의 다른 무엇과 같이, 만약 네가 연습하기를 선택한다면,  특정 기술이  강해질 것이다.  주위의 자들이 결코 전에 보이지 않은 규모로 매일 깨어나고 있고, 받아들여지고 있는 많은 메시지들이  성질에서 비슷하다. 이것은 너희에게 공명할 무언가를 주고 있는 우주의 방식인데, 네가  자신을 위해  메시지들을 해석할 수단을 개발하게  때까지 말이다.

오늘, 너희는 네가 가지고 태어난  능력들로 걸어 들어가서, 그것들을 정기적으로 사용하기 시작하라고 초대를 받고 있다. 인류는 모든 이들이 평화롭고, 분쟁 없이 함께 일할 어떤 시기를 향해 가고 있으며... 그것이 기대된 것보다 훨씬  빨리 오고 있다.  놀라운 과정 동안, 완전히 지원받고 있다는 지식에서 안심해라! - 창조자

As you grow and gain knowledge, the voice of The Universe will become more distinct and understandable. Just like anything else on your Earth plane, if you choose to practice, that particular skill will become stronger. Those around you are awakening every day on a scale never seen before and many of the messages received are similar in nature. This is The Universe’s way of giving you something that resonates until you have developed the means to interpret its messages for yourself.

Today, you are being invited to step into the gifts you were born with and begin using them on a regular basis. Humankind is heading toward a time when all will work together peacefully and without conflict…and it is coming much sooner than anticipated. Rest easy in the knowledge of being fully supported during this amazing process! ~ Creator



산을 움직이는 

Moving Mountains

By Creator


너의 삶과 네가 원하는 것의 창조는 너에게 남아있다. 그래, 이따금, 너의 길을 바꾼 외부의 영향력이 있었지만, 너는 길가에 남아있거나, 아니면  게임으로 돌아갈 것을 선택한다. 오늘, 너는 정확히 그것이 너에게 무엇을 의미하는지를 숙고하라고 요청받고 있다. 너는 너에게 제시된 환경들로 인해 정체 속에 남아있기를 바라느냐, 아니면 너는 돌아갈 너의 길을 찾고, 계속 내가 너의 삶에서 바라는 것을 실현하겠느냐? 우주는 일들이 항상 쉽지 않았음을 이해하며, 그러나  나은 것을 위해 네가 바꿀 필요가 있는 도구들이 또한 공급되었다. 나의 가장 사랑하는 어린이여, 지금은 일에 착수할 시간이다! (미소 지으며) 네가 선택한다면, 너는 산을 움직일  있다! - 창조자

The creation of your life and what you want rests with you. Yes, on occasion, there have been outside influences that have changed your path but, you get to choose to remain by the wayside or jump back into the game. Today, you are being asked to ponder exactly what that means to you. Do you wish to remain static due to circumstances that have been presented to you or will you find your way back and continue manifesting what you desire in your life? The Universe understands that things have not always been easy, however, the tools you need to change for the better have also been provided. My dearest child, it is time to get to work! (Smiling) If you choose, you can move mountains! ~ Creator

번역출처: AH.Korea http://www.abundanthopekorea.net/board1_1/12508 재림사무국/1966-7